
Victims of armed conflict will be strengthened in their productive projects in the Women's Day framework

This Friday in Barranquilla, the Victims Unit will lead the conversation "Empowerment and productive projects: a dynamic process", in which eight women victims of conflict will be benefited with equipment and supplies to strengthen their businesses.


On International Women's Day, the Victims Unit will provide reinforcements for the socio-productive initiatives of women victims of armed conflict focused on the department of Atlántico.

With this delivery, the Unit seeks to continue contributing to the comprehensive and transformative reparation of victims which will be held this March 8 through the discussion "Empowerment and productive projects: a dynamic process", in the auditorium of the Regional Care Center Victims of Barranquilla from 9 a.m.

"The deliveries to be made are framed in the model project to support initiatives, which has as its general objective to design and implement an operational model to support initiatives of victims of armed conflict (individual or collective) from a vision of resilience, which contribute to the integral reparation, mainly as regards restitution measures, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition, strengthening the development of victims of armed conflict life project", explained Jhovana Rojas, of the repair direction of the national level of Victims Unit.

One of the work lines is the line of socio-productive strengthening, which is aimed at strengthening productive initiatives that contribute to the satisfaction of material and immaterial, individual and collective needs, which create values ​​of use and exchange, with the purpose of the production processes and the insertion in the market, facilitate the personal development and the social integration of those who conform it.

The specific objectives of the line are:

  1. Promote autonomy, empowerment and social inclusion by connecting economic activity to the life project of victim
  2. Strengthen the productivity of the initiative
  3. Encourage the expansion of marketing channels of the initiative

"For the department of Atlántico, there are eleven initiatives to strengthen the socio-productive component distributed in the municipalities of Barranquilla (4), Soledad (5) and Puerto Colombia (2). These initiatives are framed in the sectors of clothing, handicrafts, fast food, marketing of meat products, fish and dairy, crafts and decoration, and development of pool tables, "said Alfredo Palencia, Territorial Director of Victims Unit in Atlantic.