
Nasa Wesx and Embera Chami Communities receive tools to improve their quality of life

With the support of the World Bank, sports equipment, flat machinery, filleting machines, furniture and technological equipment, worth $ 211 million, were delivered to the communities of two indigenous reserves located in Florencia, Caquetá.


Two actions of collective reparation and restitution of lands, addressed to the Nasa-Wesx ethnic community of La Gaitana reserve, and to the Embera Chami of Honduras indigenous reserve, settled in the capital of Caquetá, were carried out under the coordination of Victims Unit, with the support of the World Bank.

The actions consisted of delivery of implements, machinery, furniture and equipment aimed at supporting the practice of sport, the strengthening of self-government, the restoration of their cultural traditions and a productive project for community benefit, within which they are offered the Nasa Wesx Community technical tools and training in the handling of flat and filleting machines.

In each of indigenous reserves, basic equipment and materials necessary for storage and handling of information were delivered, as part of two satisfaction actions aimed at strengthening the cultural practices and governance of the community.

Rober Echuida, governor of Honduran reservation, of Embera Chami community, affirmed that "this is a support for our community, we thank to the Victims Unit and the World Bank for coming to deliver this project, from which we are all going to benefit ; In the same way we are working with the collective reparation that the State gave us; Thanks because with these resources we have invested in livestock projects and we also made the aqueduct that we needed to improve the quality of life of our families. "

According to Luz Deni Mayorga, governor of La Gaitana reservation, of Nasa Wesx community, "we were also given collective compensation and I want to thank the Victims Unit and the World Bank for being here in my community today, this is the support we need as victims of conflict we have lived; I want to tell them  that with the resources we have received from the government, we are working in our territory on productive projects for the future of our children, such as extensive livestock, land purchase and industrial machinery. "

For his part, Hernán David Romero, ethnic unit liaison, made an invitation: "to continue working in the community and make good use of this endowment that is made in the framework of collective reparation, because this is a tool of community benefit, we all have to take care of it so that it gives us a good service, I invite you to be an example community in this territory ".