The Victims Unit has complied with what was ordered by the Constitutional Court
In a unification ruling when reviewing a guardianship, the High Court ordered the entity to include in the Single Victims Registry a woman who belonged to an illegal group.
The Constitutional Court through Sentence SU-599 of 2019 protected the fundamental rights of "Helena" and ordered her to be included in the Sole Registry of Victims and that, within a maximum term of 15 business days counted from the notification of this judgment, it started the provision of psychosocial and psychological services, with a gender differential approach, and that in the comprehensive reparation process the plaintiff is served with a gender differential approach and due diligence in the protection of their fundamental rights.
The Victims Unit, prior to the notification of the sentence, in compliance with the constitutional mandate and the guardianship judge, issued Resolution No. 2017-84336T of March 25, 2020 FUD NG000729277 “By which compliance with the Sentence SU 599 of 2019 issued by the H. Constitutional Court and ordered the inclusion of “Helena” in the Sole Registry of Victims so that she could access the entire institutional offer.
The Victims Unit was only notified of the ruling of the Constitutional Court until April 1, 2020 by the 31st Civil Circuit Court of Bogotá, for compliance with the order. In other words, six months have elapsed to date, during which time the orders of the Constitutional Court have been complied with and not 10 months as announced by the guardianship judge.
The Victims Unit offered and carried out psychosocial support to the plaintiff on August 15 and 25, 2020, in which she was offered information on the Unit's psychosocial support strategies and her right and possibility to access them.
The Victims Unit, through three briefs dated May 5 and 20 and August 20, 2020, informed Judge 31 Civil of Bogotá in a diligent and timely manner, the steps taken to comply with the guardianship ruling. Therefore, the statements that were made without considering the date on which the sentence was notified and the actions of the entity to guarantee the protection of the fundamental rights of "Helena" surprise the entity.
The Victims Unit clarifies that, despite the fact that it is submitting a request for the annulment of the sentence before the Constitutional Court, the entity complied with the orders of the High Court, which shows its commitment to comply with the orders of the judges and guarantee the victims' rights, regardless of the legal debate before the judicial offices.
The Victims Unit will continue to guarantee the protection of the victims' fundamental rights, within the framework of Law 1448 of 2011, and will continue to comply with the orders of the 31st Civil Court of the Bogotá Circuit with due diligence, as explained with each one of the actions that were implemented to safeguard the rights of the plaintiff.