
"Victims are present in the Development Plan and the Government is committed to comply with them": National Planning Office

In the Development Plan there is a specific line for the reparation of victims, which includes goals for the four-year period, such as compensation for 420 thousand survivors of armed conflict and the removal of one million victims from the situation of vulnerability, according to National Planning.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

Within the framework of the Colombia-Eurosocial Dialogue Table, held at Tequendama Hotel in Bogota, a senior official of National Planning Department (DNP) stated that the victims are included in the Development Plan and are a priority for President Iván Duque government.

Lucas Gómez García, Director of Evaluation and Monitoring of Public Policy of DNP, explained that in the Development Plan there is "a specific pact for stabilization and peace and there is a line for victim’s reparation".

Regarding the specific goals included in this line within the Plan -released by the Government before the Congress of the Republic-, Gómez García referred to the compensation of 420 victims, which would reach a total of 1,300 in 2022. 000 covered with this repair measure.

Likewise, the high official of the DNP assured that the Government intends to "remove more than one million victims from the situation of vulnerability, going from 721,000 to 1,721,000 and make comprehensive reparation that includes psychosocial attention and reparation of victims."

"I believe that there is a great commitment from the Government to fulfill the victims with all the commitments we have as a State, the victims are present within our National Development Plan and we can find everything in that great commitment that is Pact for Equity, where we want to remove more than one and a half million people from extreme poverty and almost two million people from multidimensional poverty ", emphasized Lucas Gómez.

Nicolás Fernández de Soto, Victim´s Unit Coordinator of International Cooperation, attended the Colombia-Eurosocial Dialogue Table with the aim of presenting the lines of work that the entity would like to develop through this cooperation program between the European Union and Latin America for social cohesion.

Among the lines of work suggested by the Unit are: collective reparation with emphasis on the reconstruction of territories; prevention and protection of new victimizations and emergency care; socio-economic stabilization and social and productive inclusion; strengthening of planning capacity; and consolidation of historical memory.

José Roberto Piqueras, Head of the Eurosocial Office in Madrid, explained that this program acts on demand from the countries on issues related to social policies, governance and gender and "if Colombia invites us to close this gap, we can increase the possibilities offered by Eurosocial in this matter, which we have already worked, although in an incipient way ".

At the working tables, State entities such as the Presidential Cooperation Agency, the Dane and the Chancellery, among others, also participated.