
Open call for entities with water, ecosystem and innovation favored initiatives

Different worldwide organizations seek to support community projects for the environment and ethnic groups throughout the country.


The Unit for the Victims’ Putumayo Territorial Direction informs the department’s victim population about different open calls and their requirements so they can register; these opportunities come from international cooperation.

The first one is aimed at companies, projects or initiatives that can prove a significant contribution to the water sector for the Global Water Awards. The main relevant factors are: Operations improvement, energy efficiency and technological innovation. The expiration date is February 28th, 2021.

More information: https://globalwaterawards.com/the-process/

The second one is organized by FAO. It seeks to choose organizations, private companies, individuals or institutions with groundbreaking food production practices that offer transforming food systems possibilities. The expiration date is March 19th, 2021.

More information: http://www.fao.org/innovation/awards/es/

The Santo Domingo Foundation’s Environmental Mission seeks to generate a positive impact on the natural heritage conservation. The want to support environmental projects in three areas: Water, Ecosystems and Sustainable Cities. The expiration date is April 12th, 2021.

More information: https://www.fundacionsantodomingo.org/mision-ambiental/

The fourth open call is for profit, non-governmental, local and voluntary organizations, as well as schools and universities.

USAID wants a cooperation agreement with qualified entities to operate in the introduction and access to a microbicide (which kills microbes) project. The objective: to prevent that women acquire HIV. The expiration date is March 28th, 2021.

More information: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=331175

Finally, the GEF's Small Grants Program calls upon indigenous, black or local community groups or organizations throughout the country. They are receiving community projects for the self-recognition and self-strengthening of territories and areas conserved by indigenous people, black communities and local peasant communities in Colombia. The expiration date is March 8th, 2021.

More information: https://ppdcolombia.org/convocatoria/convocatoria-ticca-respuesta-covid19/