What is it?
It is a comprehensive reparation measure that the Colombian state offers to the victims as monetary compensation for the facts they have suffered. This measure hopes to help in the strengthening or reconstruction of the victims’ life projects.
To whom and how much is it given?
The administrative compensation is given to the victims of the following facts:
Homicide: 40 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, divided between the relatives of the person who died, depending on his/her civil state at the moment of the death.
Forced disappearance: 40 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, divided between the relatives of the missing person, depending on his/her civil state at the moment of disappearance.
Kidnapping: 40 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, given directly to the released person, not to the relatives.
Personal injuries which caused permanent incapacity or disability: Up to 40 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, according to Resolution 0848 from 2014. It is delivered directly to the victim who suffered the injury.
Personal injuries which caused incapacity: Up to 30 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, according to Resolution 0848 from 2014. It is delivered directly to the victim who suffered the injury.
Illegal children and teenagers recruitment: 30 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, directly delivered to the person who suffered it.
Crimes against sexual freedom and integrity, including children and teenagers born as a result of a rape in the armed conflict: 30 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, directly delivered to whom suffered it.
Torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments: Up to 30 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages, directly delivered to whom suffered it.
Forced displacement: the compensation will be divided in equal parts between the members of the family group victim of the forced displacement, included in the Sole Register of Victims. Under Sentence SU-254 from 2013, there will be familiar cores receiving 27 current legal minimum monthly wages and others receiving 17.
- If one person has suffered more than one victimizing fact, he/she will have right to accumulate an administrative compensation of until 40 (Colombian) current legal minimum monthly wages.
- If one person asks for a compensation for several victims of homicide or forced disappearance, he/she will have right to an administrative compensation for each one of them.
- The administrative compensation for children and teenagers victims should be done through the establishment of a trust fund. Once the recipient of the compensation comes of age, he/she can fully dispose of the compensation.