Municipalities of Tolima activate mechanisms to attend humanitarian emergencies
With the technical support of the Victims Unit, Contingency Plans are adjusted in eight municipalities of the department, alerted by the Ombudsman's Office.
The Central Territorial Directorate of the Victims Unit provides coordination and technical assistance for the design, adoption and implementation of local contingency plans in eight municipalities of the Tolima department. This is one of the tools of vital importance so that the mayors and authorities are prepared and can attend to possible humanitarian emergencies derived from the actions of illegal armed groups in their territories.
"It should be noted that in this region of the country the Ombudsman's Office has issued early warnings between the years 2019 and 2020 for the municipalities of Ataco, Chaparral, Planadas, Rioblanco, El Espinal, Flandes, Santa Isabel and Murillo", said the director Territorial Central, María José Dangond David.
Through support in the municipal subcommittees of prevention, protection and guarantees of non-repetition, the Unit has led the process of training the members of these spaces in the prevention component of Law 1448 of 2011 and its decrees 1581 of 2017 and 2124 of 2017, likewise, with the new members of the subcommittee, the respective early warnings were shared and the pertinent recommendations were made.
“These are spaces of vital importance for us, since they allow us to maintain an articulated work with the authorities of the regional and local order, and the other entities that ensure the guarantee of the safety of victims, in this case by issuing early warnings. as does the Ombudsman's Office. Our mission as a Unit is not only to ensure reparation but also to promote the conditions so that the victimizing acts do not repeat themselves”, emphasized Dangond David.
To date, the eight Contingency Plans are in the process of updating, which will possibly be approved in future sessions of the Territorial Committees of Transitional Justice CTJT, which will be carried out in due course in the mentioned municipalities.