Victims of La Virginia (Risaralda department) receive attention
250 victims of the armed conflict were addressed by the Unit for the Victims for two days in the "Puerto Dulce" La Virginia, in Risaralda department.

Victims of Risaralda municipality of La Virginia had the opportunity to find answers to all their concerns, taking advantage of the presence of counselors and integral advisors of the Victims Unit in the town.
The city administration also actively participated in this event, through this office and the secretariats of Government and Social Development. A total of 250 people were treated in the two days of programming, when 30 PAARIS were carried out (this is a mechanism through which victims needs are measured).
"This is a strategy that we have been implementing for some time, to bring the ‘mobile attention days’ to the territories, preventing people from travelling to the capital cities. In many cases the victims do not even have to pay for transport costs, we hope to answer their questions and help improve their quality of life," said Omar Alonso Toro Sanchez, regional director of the Victims Unit in the Eje Cafetero region.
According to the National Information Network, which handles statistics for the Victims Unit, 3,841 people are registered as victims in the municipality of La Virginia.
During this term the Unit has developed in this area of the country around 11 mobile workshops in towns like Quinchía, Santa Rosa, Belen de Umbria, Marseille, Guática, Balboa, Mistrató, La Celia, Apía and La Virginia, giving priority attention more 2,500 victims throughout the Risaralda territory.