Taking Online Declaration
Implements, supports and technically supports the management of the taking of statements in the application that the Unit arranged for it.
With the intention of facilitating the taking of declarations and continuing with the processing of applications for registration in the Unified Registry of Victims (RUV), the Victims Unit through the Directorate of Registration and Information Management, has the application for making statements online.
With this application, the Public Ministry or Consulate official who attends to the victims of the internal armed conflict, makes the statements with greater ease and quality. This in addition to optimizing the completion of Declaration Form, helps the process that continues after the declaration takes place faster and more effective results can be obtained for the victims.
"Automate and improve the processes in the taking of the declaration, allows the entities that make up the Public Ministry to provide timely assistance to victims throughout the country."
Advantages of taking the statements online:
- Reduce the number of glosses (inconsistencies) in the processing of FUD, which affect the valuation process.
- The declaration is transmitted immediately to the Unit, complying with the obligation established in decree 1084 of 2015, (article numeral 4).
- High standards of information security, thanks to the use of technological elements for the authentication of users.
- Ease in the capture of information thanks to the validations that the application integrates.
- Optimize times in the operative route that supply the declarations.
- Paper Savings and reduction in correspondence expenses.
Requirements for offices that wish to access the application:
- Have the necessary technological equipment:
- Desktop computer or laptop.
- Internet connection.
- Printer
- Scanner.
- Digital PAD. (Optional)
- Sign the confidentiality agreement.
- Contar con la capacitación específica en el aplicativo.
The Unit signed contracts of commodate with the Attorney General's Office, the Ombudsman's Office and FENALPER, delivering, from a strategy of and harmonious collaboration, technological kits for the taking of declaration online (computer, printer, scanner, digital pad and power regulator), these offices were prioritized by the high number of registration requests received.
- Phase 1 - 180 technological kits were delivered to the offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office (Procurator's Office, Ombudsman's Office, the people´s office representative).
- Phase 2 - 300 technological kits were delivered to Municipal Representatives and 14 to Bogotá people´s office representative, in addition 116 digital PADS to Cundinamarca people´s office representative.
For the same purpose, the Victims Unit managed the donation of equipment by organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and International Relief & Development (IRD), for the implementation of the process of Take statement online. In these cases, the Victims Unit provided technical support to the offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office in charge of the declaration process.