Regulations National Information Network - RNI
What is National Information Network?
The RNI establishes the mechanisms and guidelines necessary to interoperate the information, with the active participation of both the central level institutions and the departmental and municipal governments in the territory. In short, the RNI is the body that INTEGRATES the INFORMATION of the victim population from the entities involved with assistance, attention and integral reparation.
The functions of the National Network are stipulated in article 153 of Law 1448 of 2011, as well as in Article of the Sole Regulatory Decree 1084 of 2015.
Which are the entities that are part of the RNI?
The following are the institutions that are part of the National Information Network grouped into entities that belong to the system and international cooperation:
- Municipalities: 1,040
- Governorships: 32
- SNARIV Entities: 42
- International Cooperators, Civil Society: 57