Offer Group
What is the Institutional Offer?
The Institutional Offer is the set of goods or services that result from the execution of plans, programs and projects of public or private entities. Its purpose is to guide, address, impact and transform the living conditions of victims of the Colombian armed conflict, in order to contribute to the effective enjoyment of their rights within the framework of the implementation of Law 1448 of 2011.
The role of the Unit in the management of institutional and inter-institutional supply is oriented to promote actions in terms of access, opportunity, relevance and sustainability of the victim population in the programs and services offered by the Colombian State.
SIGO (Information System of Offer Management)
It is the tool through which the needs of victim population are identified in order to connect them to the offer of national and territorial entities.
This information system allows consulting individually the management of entities in each of the identified applications, taking into account their competence for each of the measures in health, education, housing, food, income generation, family reunification and ID.
The institutional offer can be classified by:
The mechanisms for its accessibility:
- Offer that operates on demand - administrative request
- Offer by offer - operates by call or specific contexts
Specific criteria such as:
- Provider entity
- Purpose of the offer
- Offer coverage
- Current status of the offer.
Character of offering entity:
- Public entities: The public offer focuses on a high percentage of victim population. It is characterized by having as main purpose the fulfillment of objectives set by the effective enjoyment of the rights of citizens and therefore aims to satisfy these social demands.
Within the public offer, there is a large part of the supply on demand, such as health, education or identification, which, according to Law 1448 of 2011, has preferential criteria for victim access.
- Private entities (companies, foundations, international cooperators, NGOs, etc.), seek to complement or specialize the offer by demand, and cover the needs that are presented in the components of assistance and integral reparation to victims and allow the access of victim population to the programs and / or projects in search of the restoration of rights violated by conflict.
The institutional offer has logics of intervention tending to the coverage of goods and services that entities, regardless of their nature, possess.
National Offer
The offer of national territory is provided by public or private entities for the entire national territory. (Example: Assistance measures in Health and Education).
The decentralized and focused offer that by its nature and competence is provided by national entities, operates throughout the territory and in some cases, interventions are carried out according to particular needs. (Example: PAPSIVI - Ministry of Health).
Another type of decentralized and focused offer that, due to the nature and competence of entity, is planned and focused from the entities of the national order, and is executed deconcentrated in the territorial order. (Example: regular ICBF feeding programs).
Territorial Offer
The territorial offer seeks to respond to the population and cultural dynamics by focusing efforts to meet the needs of victims of armed conflict identified in a segmented manner at the different levels of government (municipal, departmental and national).
The foregoing focuses on three lines of work:
- Measure of health.
- Measure of Education.
- Funeral assistance.
On the other hand, the supply management group - SNARIV, identifies potential beneficiaries and supports in the calls to the victim population so that they can access the offers resulting from the inter-institutional management or initiative of the entities.
Access to the offer:
According to the operation of each of entities, there are three mechanisms for accessing the offer:
- Mechanisms of administrative requests: Corresponds to the mechanism of consolidation, organization and validation of the information to issue the needs of victims identified through the various characterization instruments, to be sent to entities and programs that work on demand.
- Mechanism of mass targeting: Corresponds to the mechanism of consolidation, organization and validation of the Victims needs information, according to the types of offer that work through calls or programs that work by offer.
- Transversal mechanisms: Corresponds to the design and implementation of Regional Centers of Attention and Reparation for Victims and other complementary schemes, as part of the supply management and articulation strategy that is materialized through direct accompaniment to the victims, the schemes attendance and the specific orientation of the offer in a Regional Center.
The fairs and / or days are a complementary mechanism.