Young victims of Tolima resolve their military situation
During 2020, the articulated management between the Victims Unit and the National Army has allowed the delivery of 159 notebooks in this department.
The delivery of the free digital certificate of the card, a document that certifies the military status as a second-class reservist to young people who are of legal age and who are in the Sole Victims Registry, is a measure of satisfaction that is part of the comprehensive repair path.
“It is important to reiterate that they are free procedures, like all those that are done before the Unit, in addition, to emphasize that this is a work that is articulated with the National Army, so that victims who by law are exempt from military service can obtain the reservist card expeditiously", said María José Dangond David, Central Territorial Director of the Victims Unit.
During this year and despite the confinement conditions due to COVID-19, in regions such as Tolima, the entity has been attending and responding to these requests, benefiting 159 young people through coordinated management with the military districts located in the municipalities of Chaparral in the south, Honda in the north and Ibagué in the center, for a total coverage of the 47 municipalities of the department.
"This is a coordinated effort with the Victims Unit, for the benefit of the population whose rights were violated, so we are committed to continue serving these young people throughout Tolima", said Major Juan Guillermo Villegas García , Commander of District 38 of the Sixth Brigade of the National Army.
To access this benefit, the victim citizen must enter the website and complete the registration process with the identification document (ID), a requirement without which they will not be able to make requests to define the situation military. For enlisting and registration, the person must upload the following digital documentation:
- Photo (3 x 4) blue background in formal suit, in digital medium and any format with a maximum size of 1 MB.
- Photocopy of the birth certificate on magnetic media, any format with a maximum size of 1 MB.
- Photocopy of the ID card enlarged to 150% on magnetic media, any format, with a maximum size of 1 MB.
To date, the Unit continues to make calls with the victims' liaisons in the municipalities for more young people to resolve their military situation.