SENA call for technological training for victims of conflict
The closing date for registration of the educational offer of the third quarter of 2020, available at the technological level, is this July 10.
In order to prepare for the future, the National Apprenticeship Service (SENA) invites victims of the conflict who wish to enroll in the technological offer of this institution, which is open until July 10.
The offer is aimed at all Colombians who are interested in starting a technologist-level training who are high school graduates and have presented the ICFES. The modality is face-to-face, however, according to the guidelines provided by the national government, corresponding to the health emergency, it will be virtual until new order.
Among the programs available in the educational offer corresponding to the third quarter of 2020 are: industrial metrological assurance, analysis and development of information systems, design and integration of mechatronic automatisms and development, and adaptation of prostheses and orthoses.
If you are interested, you can access SENA's Sofia Plus page www.senasofiaplus.edu.co, where you will find the details of the programs, calendar, opening and closing of the courses. If you require help and support, you can access it through the same page. More information to the contact center 5960100.