Presidente inauguró Centro Regional de Inclusión Social de Barranquilla
“Tengo el compromiso de cumplirles a las víctimas. Ellos serán protagonistas durante mi gobierno”, dijo el mandatario durante la apertura del segundo de este tipo en el Departamento del Atlántico.

With the presence of more than 300 victims of armed conflict, the national government headed by the President, Iván Duque, inaugurated on Friday the Regional Center for Social Inclusion of Barranquilla.
Upon arrival to the event, children victims of program 'Music for Reconciliation' of the Batuta Foundation, received him interpreting the themes "La Hamaca Grande" by Adolfo Pacheco and "Comenzó la Cumbia", by Víctor Hugo Guzmán.
"I have the commitment to fulfill the victims with a reparation that besides being economic must be moral," the President told the attendees and said that during his government "the victims will be the protagonists."
Previously, Misael Delgado, coordinator of departmental table of victims, opened the formal ceremony with a reflection on love, and stressed that the most valuable of this work are human beings: "here we will receive respectful attention from people who know how to put themselves in the role of those who suffer the pain of armed conflict, "he said.
"This place is yours and for you," said the director of Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, highlighting the variety of services and available spaces that will be found in the Center, the result of joint work between the Unit and the Barranquilla district.
In the same sense, the mayor in charge of Barranquilla, Ana María Aljure, said that she highlighted the joint work between the Unit and the district of Barranquilla to care for the victims, and insisted on the city's willingness to improve the employability conditions of the city of survivors of the conflict.
The new Regional Center will serve an area in which there are 150,288 victims from the district of Barranquilla, from neighboring municipalities of Metropolitan Area: Galapa and Baranoa, and from the municipalities of the coastal subregion of the department: Juan de Acosta, Tubará, Piojó, Puerto Colombia, and Usiacurí.
The work of more than 1,300 square meters built on a property owned by the district, exceeds $ 3,448 million where the Victims' Unit contributed about $ 1,886 million and the District approximately $ 1,561 million through the Agreement No. 1430 of 2014.
For assistance and guidance to victims in the regional center, the Unit has 7 counselors, 4 assistance links, 4 repair links, 2 professionals from the registration area, 1 professional from the Atlantic Territorial Directorate, 1 support professional , and 1 manager. For its part, the Mayor of Barranquilla is present with delegates from the secretaries of health, planning, social management, psychosocial team, victims liaison and municipal representative.
Susana Correa, Director of the Department of Social Prosperity, said that the opening of these centers allows integrating the offer of the entities in charge of the repair, grouped in the National System of Attention and Integral Reparation to the Victims (SNARIV), and committed to work to make the most of victims during this government.
The aim of the regional centers is to assist, guide, refer and accompany the victims of conflict in their reparation processes. From there, the victims will continue to access the nine psychosocial care programs and the institutional offer of all entities of the National System of Attention and Reparation for Victims (SNARIV).
The SNARIV Entities that were present at the meeting and that will also be present at the new regional center are: Ombudsman's Office, Social Prosperity, Land Unit, Agrarian Bank, Ministry of Labor-Public Employment Service- Family Compensation Funds, SENA, ICBF, Pension pensions, Sisben and health. District of Barranquilla (legal and psychosocial team), Mayor of Barranquilla with the delegates of Health, psychosocial team, Education, Families in action, victims liaison and municipal representative.
Vea la transmisión en vivo de la inauguración del Centro Regional de Barranquilla