
Open call for exemption from military service in Villavicencio, Meta

The protocol for this procedure was updated and in this new call, the process can be made by digital means and may benefit not only those who are included by displacement in the Single Registry of Victims, but also those registered by all the victimizing facts contemplated in Law 1448 of 2011


The Victim’s Unit, the Ministry of Defense and the Recruitment Command updated the Protocol of exchange of information and operational functioning of the exemption measure in the provision of military service, disincorporation and delivery of military ID cards to victims of armed conflict.

This update applies to the current call for exemption of military service that is already open and will go until November 30 next.

"As part of the adjustments and reforms that define military service, Law 48 of 1993 was reformed through Law 1861 of 2017 and the benefits of military ID were extended for all victims included in the Unified Victim’s Registry by all the victimizing facts provided by Law 1448 of 2011. This allows us to overcome the disadvantages evidenced to include victims of other events different from forced displacement in the days of military passport, "said the territorial director for Meta and Llanos Orientales of the Victim’s Unit, Carlos Pardo Alezones.

Among the most significant changes are the following: most of the procedures will be by electronic means since the process can be consulted through the app created by the Recruitment Command, which can be downloaded for free on cell phones.

The victim who is not registered must register and upload the documents at https://www.libretamilitar.mil.co/Modules/Account/Register.

Another renewal of the procedure is the elimination of the filing of folders; only the delivery of a CD with the following digitized documents will be necessary:

  • Digital citizenship card in black and white PDF format, normal quality.
  • Civil registration in black and white PDF format, normal quality.
  • Certificate of inclusion in the Victims Registry in PDF format.
  • 1 digitized photo, blue background, in formal suit in JPEG, JPG, PNG format.

In Villavicencio these documents will be received on a CD at address Calle 19 39-24, Barrio Camoa.