More opportunities for the Victims´ progress
Politecnico Grancolombiano university institution offers a special benefit to the survivors of conflict on the value of tuition, to start their career in virtual mode.
Thanks to an alliance between the Victims Unit and Politecnico Grancolombiano, new opportunities will open for survivors of conflict to start a career in virtual and face-to-face modalities.
If the person is included in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV), Politecnico Grancolombiano Polytechnic offers 40% financial relief for the first semester. If you are ready for admission during the second semester of the year, the discount applies until June 19, for the start of classes on July 6, 2020.
It should be noted that after the second semester, the discount applies with the 25% relief on the value of tuition for the survivors of conflict who must be registered in the RUV in accordance with the provisions of Law 1448 and within the framework of the agreement you have with this university institution.
Said discount applies to the undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the face-to-face and virtual modality. This offer is granted exclusively to new students at the time of enrollment cancellation. It is not cumulative with each other, nor with other benefits that the student has.
It is important to mention that from the second semester, in accordance with the agreement established in the Victims Unit and the university institution, students must maintain an academic average of 3.8 and take at least five subjects during the semester for this benefit to be applied.
More information at: www.poli.edu.co or contact the service and admissions lines in Bogotá (571) 744 07 40, option 1 or the national toll free line 01 8000 180779 and in Medellín, the service line (574) 604 02 00.