
Victims in Santander receive seed capital for productive projects

The victim population hopes with these inputs to be able to boost their businesses and create jobs in their territories.


Victims of conflict who reside in Santander and who had to close their businesses and productive projects due to the pandemic, received seed capital and production equipment to strengthen their ventures in several municipalities of the department. All of this donated by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ), with the intermediation of the Corporación Fondo de Apoyo de Empresas Asociativas (CORFAS) and with support in databases and registration of the Victims Unit in Santander.

This initiative aims to strengthen the process of care for the displaced population for the economic integration of their communities, promoting their own projects, generating employment and quality of life.

Oiza Ardila, displaced from La Gabarra (Norte de Santander), residing in Bucaramanga, received an endowment for her restaurant located in the capital of Santander. “I received two million pesos and a freezer that I am going to use to reactivate my restaurant. I really want to thank the entities that took the victims into account with these grants; this is progress for us”, said the beneficiary.

The Unit continues to support the different initiatives and facilitate the victims' access to job offers, education and entrepreneurship.