
Reparation with Credhos collective subject advances

This corporation has incidence in the municipalities of San Pablo, Sabana de Torres, Cantagallo, Puerto Wilches, Yondó, San Vicente de Chucurí, Cimitarra and Barrancabermeja.


This Wednesday, December 9, the subject of collective reparation, the Regional Corporation for the Defense of Human Rights (Credhos), in the context of International Human Rights Day, commemorated its 33 years of foundation, becoming the first symbolic act of recognition and dignification, of those contemplated as measures of satisfaction in its Comprehensive Plan for Collective Reparation (PIRC).

The commemoration event, held in Barrancabermeja, began with a discussion on the peace accords, later a liturgical act was held where a recognition was given to 25 leaders to highlight their work in promoting and defending rights. human beings carried out in each of the municipalities in which Credhos has an impact (San Pablo, Sabana de Torres, Cantagallo, Puerto Wilches, Yondó, San Vicente de Chucurí, Cimitarra and Barrancabermeja).

The commemorative act ended with a dinner, in which the territorial director Magdalena Medio of the Victims Unit, Amparo Chicué, highlighted the importance of continuing to exercise those social leaderships that allow supporting all victims in need.

For his part, Iván Madero, president of Credhos, presented the PIRC measures to be implemented for the 2021 term, reminding them of the role and function that each one as human rights defender will have in the municipalities, including holding the municipal assemblies, the reactivation of promoters and the formation of municipal human rights teams.

The event caused great satisfaction in the leaders of Credhos, who expressed their joy at feeling recognized for the work they do.