Concertations and community enlistments implements the Unit with ethnic peoples in Arauca
Meetings are being held in the municipalities of Tame, Arauquita and Puerto Rondón to advance the comprehensive repair plan.
In order to update the return and relocation plans of Palma Real communities of Makaguán indigenous people of Tame municipality and of AsPejenas of Hitnü indigenous people of Puerto Rondón municipality, and the socialization of the livelihoods and harmonization projects, the Victims Unit implements community consultation sessions with these communities in the department of Arauca.
The territorial director of the entity, Alicia María Rojas Pérez, highlighted the participation of the community in the conferences that have allowed to promote and stimulate the spaces for participation and consultation for the adjustment and validation of actions contained in the return and relocation plans that seek to make viable and guarantee the living conditions of the population victim of armed conflict due to displacement in this area of eastern Colombia.
“Very productive days that have generated us a direct approach with Palma Real community of the Makaguán indigenous people, where we socialize the conceptual regulations, as well as the status, review and update of the relocation plan, reaching important agreements that will benefit this ethnic population within the framework of the implementation of Law 1448 as victims of armed conflict”, said the official.
Rojas Pérez added that with this community a model of accompaniment to the return, relocation and local integration of the population victim of forced displacement will be developed that aims to accompany in coordination with the entities of SNARIV (National System of Attention, Comprehensive Reparation for Victims) to this population that, under the principles of security, dignity and voluntariness, express their intention to return, relocate or integrate locally in order to guarantee their access to this right.
“Through the Special Scheme of Accompaniment for Strengthening the Livelihoods of the population victim of forced displacement belonging to ethnic peoples and communities, we are implementing this action. It is important to mention that we seek to contribute to overcoming the situation of vulnerability, strengthening the autonomy and forms of government proper to ethnic peoples. In the same way, strengthen their cultural identity, as well as contribute to the process of recovering trust in the State”, said the territorial director.
He also pointed out that in the municipality of Arauquita the first community enlistment was made with the subject of collective reparation, the Hitnü indigenous people in San José de Lipa reservation, which will allow progress on the reparation route, while in the municipality of Puerto Rondón the second community enlistment with a group of this same ethnic group.