More than 52.000 young people have been guided in the appropriate investment of resources
Within the framework of Youth Week, the Victims Unit announced that, in 2020 alone, the entity expects to have 7,000 young beneficiaries of the strategy.
The deputy director of Individual Reparation of the Victims Unit, Alexandra Borja, confirmed that more than 52.000 young people throughout the country have participated in the strategies and have been oriented for the adequate investment of resources, with which the entity remains committed to the accompaniment of one of the most affected populations.
Within the framework of Youth Week, the official stressed that the Unit also reinforces the process of updating data with the acquisition and verification of telephone numbers and emails, in order to expand the contact coverage with more young people. “It is important to mention that our strategies have a differential approach that allows us to carry out actions with ethnic approaches and allows us to reach populations with self-recognition”, added the deputy director.
In this sense, Borja also confirmed that the goal for 2020 “is to reach more than 30.000 people throughout the country with guidance for the adequate investment of resources, of which about 7.000 are young victims of armed conflict in Colombia, to whom we want to contribute in the reconstruction or strengthening of their life projects”.
According to the deputy director, several young people have expressed the intention of accessing this type of orientation and many of them with the firm intention of investing in higher education, “for this line of investment we have had the opportunity to tell them about the Fund's calls of Reparation for Access, Permanence and Graduation in Higher Education for Victims of armed conflict and make them known with the academic map with the institutional offer map that we have in the Unit”.
Step by Step
The deputy director Borja explained that in the territorial conferences "Building my future", the Unit has been developing virtual consultancies in the beginning of professional life, money management, adequate investment of resources, life skills and transformation of conflicts, all with the beneficiaries of the Fund.
“We seek that these groups of meetings become a pretext to build a regional network of the Fund's own beneficiaries who, if they know each other, the different careers and skills, may in the future when they are in professional performance, help each other", said the official.
These meetings allow attendees to see that they are not alone, that there are many people who have also been victims of conflict and who have the opportunity to combine their studies.