Victims Unit, Blumont and ESAP, intensify territorial training for care and assistance to victims
Ramón Rodríguez, Director of the Unit, and Juan Pablo Franco, Country Director of Blumont, will participate in the diploma course "Territorial Strengthening for the Comprehensive Attention and Reparation to Victims of Armed Conflict".
Officials from more than 30 municipalities in six departments of the country, municipal victims' liaisons, Secretaries of the Treasury and Government, and representatives of the Office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of the Interior, participate in the virtual diploma "Territorial Strengthening for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation to the Victims of the Armed Conflict”.
This Diploma seeks that, with the start of the new local governments and the lines of action that should be included in the territorial development plans, against the public policy of victims and their subsequent implementation in the Territorial Action Plans (PAT), they are articulated actions with Blumont and the Higher School of Public Administration (ESAP), to develop a training process that allows administrations and territorial entities to strengthen their capacities and abilities for the execution of the lines of action established in the local planning instruments, within the framework of the public policy of care and reparation for victims.
The academic event that begins this July will run until September 5 and has the support of the United States Government, through Blumont, and ESAP.
Ramón Rodríguez, director of the Unit, emphasized how important it is for the Unit, “to build from and with the territories as one of our priorities, in this great task we have to repair the nearly nine million recognized victims in colombia". In his opinion, "the graduate must also promote skills that allow local officials to monitor the actions taken in favor of victims and this results in a significant contribution from territorial entities in overcoming a situation of vulnerability and the effective enjoyment of the rights, especially, of the victims of forced displacement”.
Rodríguez noted that this diploma achieved after the joint work of ESAP teams, Blumont as a cooperating partner and the Group for International Cooperation and strategic alliances of the Victims Unit, provides strengths to territorial entities to improve processes of care, assistance and comprehensive reparation. to victims in general victim issues, territorial planning, budgeting and finances, projects and royalties developed in each of the units that comprise it.
The training will be carried out from the ESAP digital platform, which will certify it, once the proposed activities have been completed and the number of hours defined for this training (85 hours).