Unit made about 200 commitments that will strengthen the public policy of victims
The commitments are the result of two days of meetings with the departmental tables of Participation in the "Great social dialogue with the victims of conflict in times of COVID-19".
The management team, and the missionary and territorial directors of the Unit for the Comprehensive Care and Reparation of Victims, met for two days with the 32 departmental tables for Effective Participation of Victims and the district table (Valle del Cauca, Huila, Boyacá, Antioquia, Tolima, Chocó, Magdalena, Guainía, Vaupés, Amazonas, Cundinamarca, Atlántico, Guajira, Vichada, Guaviare, Nariño, Putumayo, Arauca, Meta, San Andrés, Cesar, Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío, Sucre, Córdoba, Bolívar , Caquetá, Casanare, Cauca and Bogotá).
During these rounds of dialogue, the entity disclosed the actions that have been implemented from each of its areas to care for victims in the framework of the health emergency decreed by the national government.
The director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Alberto Rodríguez Andrade, said that these types of spaces help strengthen channels of dialogue with victims to adopt the necessary measures to effectively accompany this population: “During these two days we were able to listen to all the needs of the victims of conflict and explain to them how, from the entity, we can streamline all the processes of care, assistance and reparation”.
Thanks to this exercise in participatory interaction, the Victims Unit made nearly 200 commitments that will strengthen public policy on victims in all departments.
The director of the entity said that the balance of these two days is very positive: “Together with the management and missionary team we review each of the commitments, which were those departmental tables that need strengthening, what has been the information that has flowed during the social dialogue, what are the most recurring requirements, the most complex situations that are occurring”.
"More than 200 commitments were reviewed, all the meetings were recorded, memory aids were raised and I will follow-up since this is not going to be the first opportunity to connect with all of the country, with all the departmental tables and the table district, and what we are looking for is to review and analyze all the commitments of what the victims are asking for”
For Ramón Rodríguez, this type of space opens up an opportunity to encourage participation and dialogue, since with this “information comes to the departmental tables first hand, it is also the opportunity for the information to be downloaded to the municipal tables avoiding disinformation that is handled by social networks and also informing them of the goals achieved as a Victims Unit”.