
With virtual workshops the Victims Unit guide the victims of Eje Cafetero in accessing the institutional offer

The representatives of victims at the participation tables of Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda, participated in a space led by the Victims Unit and the National Planning Department (DNP).


The Victims Unit, through its Participation component and the National Planning Department, met with the leaders of victims who are part of different participation tables in the Coffee Axis, in an exercise called “Dialogue on the commitment to National Government”, which seeks greater access to the institutional offer of different State entities, so that, through programs, plans and projects, they can improve their living conditions in the territory.

Mauricio Solano, leader of the group of special projects of the DNP, expressed at the opening of the space: “Both the DNP and the Victims Unit have prepared and adapted this workshop to the new virtual reality, we want to be successful with the participation of all you to enrich this process, through your concepts and contributions, managing to consolidate the construction of peace, framed in the National Development Plan. We need to consolidate a mechanism that ensures access to supply to overcome the vulnerability conditions of victims in the territory”.

In this space, which was also attended by entities such as the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Nation and the Ombudsman, as watchdogs and guarantors of rights, there was an extensive discussion on the Sisbén tool, its initial versions and the projection that they have for the implementation of version IV, which aims to overcome the previous shortcomings, taking into account different visions of the victims' representatives for the improvement of the survey.

“The presence of the majority of the leaders mentioned in this virtual space, which is something new for many of us, is to be applauded. We hope that the voice of victims will be taken into account in Sisben IV, therefore we must pay close attention and to be able to change the methodology, so that there is no retrogression in the rights already acquired, we are vulnerable within vulnerable, that is why I request that the victims be included within a special regime that guarantees us full reparation” argued Ludirlena Pérez, who is part of the Executive Committee of the National Table of Victims.

"I think that the dynamics of the tables and the articulation with the entities must have a new direction, the first thing we must do is define the needs of each territory to redirect programs and have better results. We are 9 million people who have a very great human potential, with many abilities and we have not been able to channel them in order to improve the conditions of development and productivity”, concluded Jose Carlos Galvez, representative of victims' associations.

This was the second space of this type, of eleven that will be developed throughout the national territory, to collect the concerns and improvement actions of all the victims' leaders regarding this issue and thus project programs and plans that improve the life of the victim population. Sisbén IV will enter into operation during the second half of this year.