Call to support rural initiatives of victims in Urabá and Darién is socialized
With “El Campo emprende”, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will co-finance the implementation of associative business plans in eight municipalities of Antioquia and Chocó.
In the municipalities of Apartadó, Carepa, Chigorodó, Murindó, Necoclí, San Pedro de Urabá, and Turbo district, in Antioquia, and Acandí in Chocó, the call called “Building Rural Business Capacities, Trust and Opportunity - The field undertake”, led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR).
This project is aimed at improving the living, income and employment conditions of the rural families who are in extreme poverty and are part of the Single Registry of Victims (RUV).
The Emprende Field co-finances the implementation of these Business Plans that must be developed with the fulfillment of minimum requirements, including that they be implemented in an associative manner in rural territories to promote comprehensive rural development with equity, and that extends to the victim population in the rural area of eight municipalities in the Urabá and Darién subregions.
This project is implemented in coordination and support of the entities of the Comprehensive Care and Reparation System for Victims (SNARIV), and of the Unit, through support and facilitation of tools for the accreditation and certification of their victim status communities or organizations that apply.
These Business Plans, which will be prioritized in the Local Resource Assessment and Allocation Committees (CLEAR), will have a maximum execution period of up to fifteen (15) months from the date of prioritization in CLEAR.
The call and registration will go until July 21. The project includes financial education for families or groups that apply, among other incentives aimed at organizational strengthening.
For more information and application requirements, the rural population interested in participating in this call should enter the web page www.minagricultura.gov.co or go to the victims and / or promoters links of the Ministry of Agriculture designated in these municipalities focused.