Actions in Putumayo articulated to strengthen the Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition System
In a virtual meeting, different entities such as the Victims Unit, also presented the progress in the area of repair, reintegration and construction of development plans.
The Putumayo Territorial Victims Unit, headed by German Narvaez, participated in the meeting called by the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-repetition, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and the Search Unit of Persons given by Disappeared (UBPD), in order to articulate actions in favor of victims, with each of the entities.
In the development of the virtual conference, each of the entities presented the objectives that are aimed at guaranteeing the rights of the victims of the Colombian armed conflict, ensuring the clarification of the truth and accountability for what happened, seeking recognition of responsibilities of those who participated in the armed conflict directly or indirectly, guarantee justice against serious human rights violations, provide legal security to the actors participating in the system, encourage the collaboration of those who had a participation in the armed conflict and committed crimes in the context of this and contribute to the promotion of peaceful coexistence, reconciliation and non-repetition.
Amanda Camilo, Afro leader and defender of human rights, expressed the importance of articulating this type of actions that the territory requires so much "to shelter the integral system of truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition and to recognize that peace is a right".
Among the actions and coordination that have been carried out in the territory and in favor of the victim community, mention was made of dissemination spaces, training of the integral system, generating repair scenarios, reintegration, construction of development plans, permanent contact with entities among others.