One more step in the Repair of Cahucopana Mining-peasant Corporation -, in the northeast of Antioquia
With the signing of the Collective Repair Plan in the municipality of Remedios, the implementation of the 14 measures of this plan began to fully repair the 1,500 members of this group, belonging to 10 municipalities.
With a total investment of 2,500 million pesos for the Collective Repair Plan, the Victims Unit strengthens the Cahucopana mining-peasant Corporation, who have a presence in northeast Antioquia.
With the sowing of a guayacán as a symbolic act, the leaders of Cahucopana and the officials of the entity, began the implementation of this plan that has 14 measures that go from the training school with a gender approach, the transfer of knowledge to the children of members of the organization, a community farm for the supply of the families that make up this group, among others.
Carlos Morales, legal representative of Cahucopana said that “with the recognition by the Victims Unit of our organization, progress is being made in organizational strengthening in order to implement actions for the construction of peace through memory and guarantees of non-repetition".
On the other hand, Wilson Córdoba, director of the Victims Unit in Antioquia, said that “with this progress is made in the Integral Reparation of communities that have been so affected by the internal armed conflict”.
The official also said that "from the diagnosis of the damage caused by the armed conflict, the measures that repair the damage to the collective are decided".
In Antioquia, the Victims Unit has 47 recognized collective reparation subjects, 14 of these with implementation plans with measures such as rehabilitation of roads, schools, bridges, parks, endowments to medical centers, educational institutions, rural health posts, cultural houses, collection centers and support for productive projects.
Humanitarian shelter
The Humanitarian Action for Coexistence and Peace Corporation of the Northeast Antioquia (Cahucopana) is a peasant organization that was born in 2004 with the aim of fighting to resolve the humanitarian and human rights crisis of communities in the rural areas of the municipalities of this subregion of Antioquia. This group was recognized by the Victims Unit as the subject of collective reparation in 2017.
Cahucopana deploys an integral work for the human rights defense and respect, coexistence and life for which the humanitarian shelter houses were created, are located in the Camelias, Lejanías and Carrizal villages of the municipalities of Remedios and Segovia, They seek to safeguard life and integrity of the mining-peasant communities, in the face of a possible humanitarian crisis, taking into account that the armed conflict in this area is still constant.
Morales said that the houses of humanitarian refuge are open to “all those people who are recognized by the community action boards, mining committees, humanitarian action teams, women's committees and / or who are part of the social organizations of the region, that he has, at risk his life and integrity becoming spaces protected by International Humanitarian Law and have the objective of minimizing forced displacement”.