
The Unit delivers humanitarian aid in Ocaña

The entity seeks to strengthen the contingency plans for the care of humanitarian emergencies in Norte de Santander.

Norte de SantanderOcaña

The difficult public order situation facing the Catatumbo area, in Norte de Santander, due to the internal armed conflict that is registered in several municipalities of this department, has generated in recent weeks a series of situations that are affecting the civilian population, which is why the Victims' Unit was present with humanitarian aid.

Hacarí is one of the populations hardest hit by violent acts. From the first of June to date there is a registry of 77 displaced families, for a total of 253 people uprooted from this municipality by the clashes between illegal groups that dispute control of the area, which has caused a series of deaths selective in this point of the region.

The Victims Unit has been assisting communities with the contingency plan that provides humanitarian assistance to families displaced by violence.

During her visit to Villa de los Caro, the director of the territorial North of Santander and Arauca, Alicia Rojas, made a new delivery of humanitarian aid for the municipality of Ocaña with accommodation kit containing blankets, bedding, mats, mosquito net and towels that exceeded 100 units.

Likewise, purifying tablets, pots, plastic cans, aprons, caps and face masks, among others, items sent by the Subdirectorate of Prevention and Emergency Care and delivered to the Ocaña City Hall.

"We are reaching all areas of the department to serve these communities that today need the urgent attention of the State Through the Victims Unit we continue to explore and highlight the conditions of families and people affected by the violence in Norte de Santander our institutional mission in favor of the survivors of armed conflict", said the territorial director, Alicia Rojas.

On the other hand, the municipal liaison of Ocaña, Jessica Marcela Ibáñez Álvarez, said that "for the municipal administration it is of great gratitude to be able to continue receiving this valuable accompaniment from the Victims Unit, which represent an accompaniment to emergencies that may occur during this period, because Ocaña is a receiving municipality with a total of 37,879 victims, according to the National Information Network and from January 1 to date, we have received a total of 410 families displaced from Catatumbo for a total of 1,218 people, with this help they will allow us to assist the victims who arrive in our municipality", concluded the official.

Humanitarian aid remains in the fairgrounds of the municipality of Ocaña ready to be distributed to the people affected.