
Second day of characterization with Subject of Collective Repair Zona AWÁ Telembí advances

The Victims' Unit, in compliance with the agreements reached in the minga on April 5, developed a methodological agreement in advance of the characterization of damages and impacts in the municipality of Barbacoas, Nariño.


In Nariño, the Victims Unit developed on April 15 and 16 a day of methodological agreement in advance of the characterization of damages and impacts within the framework of compliance with prior consultation with the community and according to the agreements reached in the "Humanitarian Minga" for the Life and Dignity of  Awá People".

These activities were carried out in the village of Buenavista in the municipality of Barbacoas, where the authorities and leaders of the six indigenous reservations of the Subject of Collective Repair Area AWA Telembi participated.

As a result of the day, this community was trained in information collection tools such as: timeline, productivity map, map of territory change and strategies to work with children, women, and seniors, who Later they will give an account of the before, during and after the armed conflict in the area.

According to the director of Unit in Nariño, William Pinzón Fernández, "the commitment of the community was to form a technical team that will support the collection of information and together with the Victims Unit, the systematization of the information will be carried out as a result, the damage characterization document, which will later be validated in a general assembly. With the above, we demonstrate our commitment to take forward this process of collective reparation that the indigenous people of our department so badly need, and it also demonstrates the national and regional interest of working hand in hand with the victims", he assured.