"It's a fight of love and resistance": Asfaddes
This subject of collective reparation of the national order, seeks to develop actions of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Repetition to claim the rights of families affected by forced disappearance.
The Unit for Integral Attention and Reparation for Victims, advances in the implementation of tools for the formulation of the Comprehensive Plan of Collective Reparation (PIRC) of the Association of Relatives of the Disappeared Detainees (Asfaddes).
This Association was born in 1982 with the arrest and disappearance of 13 students. Their constant struggle and the support provided to families affected by this scourge, makes this organization an important reference for the country that reflects the perseverance and resilience of the victims who suffered from armed conflict.
This is what Gloria Luz Gómez Cortés, general coordinator of Asfaddes, says: "We have had 37 years of struggle, love and resistance for the disappeared and we are architects in the construction of legal and extrajudicial tools to advance in the search for our loved ones. In Colombia we were the first organization that took to the streets to demand truth, justice and to seek them".
The concertation space, guided by the Victims Unit, brought together survivors from Santander, Norte de Santander, Neiva, Popayán, Antioquia, Cauca, Cesar and Bogotá, who work to be recognized as a solid organization, which demands an Integral Reparation for part of the State.
"We hope that the Plan reflects measures that restore the rights that as an organization have affected us, denied and weakened. The first step should be the recognition of our historical contribution to the country." That today in Colombia, it is talking about disappearance forced has to do with the struggle of relatives gathered in Asfaddes", said the general coordinator of this Organization.
The work day, achieved the identification of affectations, causes and consequences of conflict, as well as the circumstances in which today is the organization that works for the search of Truth.