The Unit has $ 2.4 billion for compensation in the four-year period": Ramón Rodríguez
The director of Victims Unit said that "what we are looking for is to comply with the victims," and insisted that the entity will continue to optimize care, humanitarian aid and reparation for those affected by conflict.
The director of Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, explained in the Congress of the Republic that the entity in charge, according to the National Development Plan, has a goal of 420,000 individual indemnities during the next four years, and for it has more than $ 2.4 billion.
In his speech during a public hearing in Congress, Ramón Rodríguez said that the Unit "has available $ 2.4 billion in the four-year period for compensation, plus the savings that can be made within the same entity, and from there we have an approximate goal of 100 thousand compensations per year ".
He also stated that the Unit's budget "continues to be more than $ 1.8 billion for 2019" and recalled that during 2018 a total of 702,598 victims advanced in their integral reparation process through administrative channels.
The director of Unit recalled that there are five types of measures in individual reparation: compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, restitution of rights and guarantees of non-repetition.
When responding to the prioritization in the delivery of compensation for victims, Rodriguez said that this is already defined by resolution 1958 of 2018 and that the first beneficiaries are the elderly, people with disabilities and those suffering from terminal illnesses.
The director of Victims Unit participated in the Congress of the Republic in a public hearing on the National Development Plan, which was also attended by the Minister of the Interior, Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, the High Commissioner for Peace, Miguel Ceballos, Presidential Adviser for Stabilization, Emilio Archila, as well as senators, representatives to the Chamber and delegates from social and community organizations in the country.