Municipal representatives received virtual training on the Victims Law
In compliance with the presidential order of mandatory preventive isolation, in Putumayo department, the training advanced by the Unit included training on the Single Registry of Victims (RUV).
The Unit for the Comprehensive Attention and Reparation to Victims carried out virtual training and education for the officials and secretaries of 13 municipalities of Putumayo department, in order to guide officials of the Public Ministry on Law 1448 on 2011 and on the RUV (Single Registry of Victims).
Guidance was provided on updating the Law and how the Unit has been implementing it. An explanation was also made of the application and their respective routes, how to carry out the taking of declarations and registration, and on issues of humanitarian care, individual reparation, co-responsibility strategy and subsidiary support.
Oscar Hernández, representative of the municipality of Mocoa, showed his interest in training and pointed out the importance of continuing to work for victims and training through these technological means as necessary.
The training was carried out virtually, complying with the presidential directive of mandatory preventive isolation throughout the national territory.