Unit launches compilation of norms and jurisprudence on victims of conflict
The main objective of this tool is to allow public servants, victims and citizens, to access, in the same instrument, the norms and jurisprudence issued to attend and repair the victims of armed conflict.
The director of the Unit for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation to Victims, Ramón Rodríguez, announced that the entity has, from this Monday, a compilation that will be available on a web page, in a tool called Legis Expert, which may be consulted by any citizen and from anywhere, with an internet connection.
The main objective is to allow public servants, victims and citizens, to access, in the same instrument, the norms and jurisprudence issued to attend and repair the victims of armed conflict.
“In a single tool, in the same place, you can find different types of norms that have been issued in Colombia on victims of the armed conflict, in this sense, you can find the constitutional norms, Law 387 of 1997, Law 1448 of 2011, as well as the ethnic laws decrees. Additionally, there is the relevant jurisprudence on these norms, especially that of the Constitutional Court”, explained the official.
There are also the resolutions of the Unit for Victims since 2012, organized thematically and chronologically. All of the above will allow clarity on the applicable legal framework for the protection of the rights of victims in the country.
The tool has several uses, among which the following stand out: having in one place, all the norms that refer to the victims of armed conflict, updated according to their validity, knowing the resolutions that the Unit for Victims has issued on different issues, search by topic, without having the reference number or year of the standard, find the relevant jurisprudence on these topics or related to the specific article being consulted.
The tool is aimed at all citizens. However, given the specific interests, it could be used in a concrete way by the victims, the public servants of the Unit and other entities of the National System of Attention and Comprehensive Reparation for Victims (SNARIV) and, finally, the specific public of the area legal entity interested in matters of victims' rights such as universities, students, among others.
The CEO referred to the benefits of this new tool: "This instrument will facilitate the understanding of the general public of normative and jurisprudential matters, given the importance they have for the implementation of the public policy of victims of armed conflict; it will allow victims to consult current regulations and related to their rights, which given the informative and educational nature can empower them in the exercise and management of their rights; it will contribute to a better implementation of public policy as public servants with more information; it constitutes a tool to combat fraud , providing clear information to victims directly, so that they do not go to third parties in search of this information; and finally it allows to make it known to the world, allowing direct consultation from the source, which in this case is the Victims Unit, a leading entity in the care, assistance and comprehensive reparation for victims”.
Access to the Compilation tool on victims of armed conflict - Victims and Land Restitution Law is done through the Victims Unit page, at the following link: https://www.unidadvictimas.gov.co/es/legis
At the top of the page, they find a bar, with the option to search, to perform a search by topic or word in all the content of the compilation. However, they can also search within each work, entering the work and using, clicking on the left hand of it, on the magnifying glass with the desired search word.
When entering LegisXperta, the general public will be able to observe two works for access:
to. Compilation of regulations on victims of the armed conflict, where you will find all the regulations and jurisprudence on the matter.
b. Resolutions of the Unit for Victims, where you will find exclusively the resolutions that the Unit for Victims has issued on the rights of victims, within the framework of Law 1448 of 2011.