Victims Unit rejects attack against Jhon Restrepo, leader of LGBT table in Comuna 8
This group was recognized as a subject of collective reparation in 2016.
The Victims Unit rejects the events that occurred on March 25 against the coordinator of the promotion committee of the Subject of Collective Reparation, LGBT Table of Comuna 8 of Medellín and director of Casa Diversa Corporation Jhon Restrepo, who was victim of an attempt on his life in the place of residence.
This leader defending human rights has been developing, along with the other members of LGBT-C8 Table, a constant work framed in activism against the visibility of diversity and respect for it, as well as against the identification of acts of violence against people with diverse sexual orientations, identities and expressions.
The LGBT Table is in the implementation phase of its Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan (PIRC), whose joint commitment with the Victims Unit is to advance the collective project in the search for and guarantee of the right to equality and non-discrimination, articulating the necessary measures to eradicate gender stereotypes and stigmatization against LGBT people and guarantee the effective exercise of human rights with a gender perspective.
For this reason, the message of the Victims Unit is framed in solidarity and the call to entities at the national and territorial level to protect the life and integrity of the members of the LGBT Table of Comuna 8, and of all victims of armed conflict, in order to continue promoting awareness and respect for life and mitigate all violent actions.