
Social Inclusion and Reconciliation sector rendered the accountability report

General Director of Social Prosperity, Susana Correa reaffirmed her commitment to work from all fronts against extreme poverty and move towards equity

Valle del CaucaBuenaventura

The sector of Social Inclusion and Reconciliation, led by Social Prosperity, made this Friday from Buenaventura the accountability of the 2018 term, ratifying its commitment in the fight against poverty and extreme poverty in Colombia.

"Since the beginning of this government in August 2018, we have dedicated our efforts in the redesign of strategies to correct errors and prepare ourselves to fulfill the leading role demanded by the National Development Plan. We want to go further and remove 3.5 million people from extreme poverty, advance in the integral reparation of the victims and lead the Family Policy, among many other strategies in charge of the entities of the sector ", said the director Correa.

With a budget execution of 92% by the Sector, made up of the ICBF, the Victims Unit and the National Historical Memory Center, achievements were presented, contributing to the fundamental objective of advancing towards equity.

 Social Prosperity achieved an execution of 87% of the investment budget, managing to strengthen 487 productive organizations with resources of the collective entrepreneurship program; provide economic incentives to more than 2.4 million Families in Action and that 173,771 students of higher education institutions will benefit from the Youth in Action resources.

Similarly, 1.3 million people benefited from the social offer with investments of more than $46,000 million, articulated through city halls, governorates and national social organizations. A total of $756,000 million has been executed in social infrastructure works. There are 1,691 projects, added to the housing improvements that are beginning to benefit 18,722 households (68 percent of them in the rural area).

With the program Families in their Land, 15,132 households that were victims of forced displacement and more than 13,500 households, a vulnerable population, were assisted with the My Business program.


With the strategy Unidos, the gateway to the path to overcoming poverty, 1.3 million homes will be served. Likewise, Social Prosperity advances in the goal of linking 500,000 new participants to the Youth in Action program. Familias en Acción will strengthen its link with productive inclusion strategies, and rural intervention programs and entrepreneurship programs will reach close to 250,000 households. With Generation E, the Equity component will provide 320,000 low-income young people with access to, stay and finish their higher education programs, and with Casa Digna Vida Digna, it will execute 325,000 interventions out of the 600,000 programmed, with an investment of close to 2.5 trillion pesos.

Buenaventura Challenges

2019 will be attended to 2,445 students with Youth in Action with an investment of $ 3,349 million; more than 33,000 children from 22,414 households with Familias en Acción allocating $ 17,434 million; 400 displaced households with the Families in their Land program with an investment of $ 3,436 million; 450 new quotas will be opened for My Business with an investment of $ 2,376 million and 1,080 households will be served with the IRACA differential program, earmarking $ 7,648 million for this purpose. Among the main efforts is the progress in the renovation of the Plaza de Mercado José Hilario López, with an investment of more than $ 13,000 million.

Ascribed entities management

Unit for Victims

In 2018, the Victims Unit achieved an execution of 95.3% of its allocated budget, which was 1.8 billion pesos, of which 697 billion pesos correspond to operating resources and 1.1 billion pesos to investment resources.

Of this sum, 93% was allocated to investment projects and the Victims' Reparation Fund, from which the resources for the payment of compensation to the victims come out. Only the remaining 7% was allocated to the operation and operating expenses.

In the matter of attention and reparation to the victims of conflict during 2018, the entity managed to:

  • Compensate 99 thousand victims with an investment of 631,138 million pesos, equivalent to 102,243 spins, reaching a record of 962,815 compensation spins in the 2014-2018 quadrennium.
  • Reparation 16 ethnic collective subjects with an investment of 4,386 million pesos.
  • The return and relocation of 29,000 displaced households
  • 53 thousand victims participated in the strategies of emotional recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation
  • The Unit today has 172 points of service throughout the national territory.
  • With an investment total of 47,438 million pesos, today there are 29 regional centers to serve the victims
  • During 2018, seven regional centers were opened and put into operation: (Villavicencio, Santander de Quilichao, Popayán, Florencia, Tumaco, Pereira and Barranquilla).
  • 648,000 households received humanitarian assistance with an investment of 564,181 million pesos, equivalent to 920,646 pesos.
  • 32,000 households received immediate humanitarian aid, with an investment of 32,483 million pesos.
  • 1,485 victims received humanitarian aid for events other than displacement with an investment of 2,221 million pesos.
  • 76 municipalities in the country benefited from social and community infrastructure projects with an investment of 14,147 million pesos.
  • 2,428 households benefited from agricultural complementarity projects with an investment of 1,862 million pesos.
  • 798 thousand displacement victims overcome their vulnerability in the rights of identification, health, education, housing, income generation and family reunification.

In the institutional issues in 2018, the Victims Unit achieved the Quality Management Certification ISO9001: 2015 International Technical Standard, obtained at the national headquarters and its 20 territorial addresses.

Likewise, the entity has been strengthened in the follow-up to the risk map, anti-corruption plan and action plan, and has been made aware by officials and collaborators of what the evidence is to verify compliance.

Finally, the entity poses a series of challenges for the year 2019, among which are:

Carry out the balance of Law 1448 (Law of Victims) to review, evaluate its effectiveness, make the adjustments and define the time to extend the Law, a matter that will be presented to the Congress of the Republic for its respective debate.

 Directing resources towards the reparation of victims, mobilizing efforts and resources from the assistance to the reparation, applying strategies such as the optimization of the component of administrative compensation and implementation of an integral accompaniment in the delivery of this measure.

Comply with the PND targets indicators 2018 - 2022 in charge of the Unit.

  • Number of victims reparationed
  • Number of collective reparation subjects reparationed administratively
  • Returnees, relocated or relocated to a reception site
  • Victims who have overcome the situation of vulnerability caused by forced displacement
  • Collective ethnic reparation subjects compensated

National Center of Historical Memory

During 2018 the CNMH compiled the testimonies of 2,642 demobilized persons, published 10 thematic and methodological balances that contribute to the clarification of the events that took place during the armed conflict and accompanied 25 territorial authorities.


The entity linked 1.3 million children to initial education and 65,000 educational agents to training processes in early childhood care. Likewise, this government reactivated the fund against the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents; and the intersectional route of attention to migrant children, among other things.