
The "First virtual fair United for the Victims" was inaugurated

The director of the Victims Unit said that what the fair is looking for is that these business initiatives "achieve the chain and grow as a business."

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

The director of the Unit for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation to Victims, Ramón Alberto Rodríguez Andrade, officially installed the First Virtual Fair United for Victims, which will run from this December 4 until next Tuesday, December 8.

During the five days of the Fair, the participants, in addition to visiting the more than 40 virtual stands with the enterprises of the victims of conflict, will also be able to participate in the talks, workshops and the different cultural and artistic exhibitions "on this occasion, the Colombians will be able to meet and support the victims directly. We invite all Colombians to learn about the products that our victims grow and those that they make with their hands, it is a sign of their resilience and income-generating capacity for themselves and their families. The Unit has been supporting these entrepreneurs and we wanted to create the Virtual Fair space so that they get to know the victims, but more importantly, that they know and purchase their products”.

Ramón Rodríguez said that they want these business initiatives "to achieve the chain, not only remain in the process of microenterprise, small business, but we seek those strategies and that is why it is so important to hold this fair".

“I know of all the capacities that victims have in rebuilding their life project based on that resilience they have from the conflict. I believe that these more than 40 initiatives must have a chain and see how they can make an articulation with Innpulsa Colombia, with the Emprender Fund, how they can achieve their objectives", added the CEO.

And he added that, in relation to handicraft ventures, "we have to seek an articulation with Artesanías de Colombia, see how we can think about exporting these handicrafts, how the products can be marketed."


More than 40 enterprises of victims of the armed conflict participate in the First Virtual Fair United for Victims. The first two days include a varied agenda with the following activities:

Friday, December 4: discussion "How international cooperation and the private sector work", and talks "Methodologies to obtain good results", "Business Law Project" and "18 tips to undertake".

Saturday, December 5: six talks will be given on 'Emprender Fund', 'Productive inclusion: development of productive potential for vulnerable population', 'Storytelling for effective sales',' Finances for entrepreneurs', 'Brand creation', and 'Economic reactivation in the municipalities PDET´. There will also be a discussion on "The importance of emotional recovery in processes of reconstruction and economic sustainability."