Property that belonged to paramilitaries, will now be the House of Justice in Rivera
The director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, made the formal handover to the Mayor's Office of Rivera (Huila), a property that in the past was owned by paramilitary groups and that today becomes a symbol of reconciliation and progress.

This property, which was delivered by the candidate José Germán Senna Pico, on July 23, 2015, within the framework of the Justice and Peace process (Law 975 of 2005); It will become the new House of Justice of Rivera, leaving behind years of violence and injustice in one of the municipalities that suffered the most from the rigor of the internal armed conflict.
The director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, assured that through the Victims Reparation Fund, the population affected by the conflict is being met with the delivery of the House of Justice in Rivera (Huila): “A property delivered by the Justice and Peace postulates of the Caquetá Block of Paramilitaries groups of Colombia, which in the past was lent to many things against the community and which today will be the headquarters of the Attorney General and the Public Ministry.
“This place will be for the service of the community, especially of the victims, always looking for that reparative and social vocation that goods have, but also with this type of actions we seek a social transformation and a transformation of these places that in some moment they served for the delinquent acts of illegal groups”, added Rodríguez.
This delivery is part of the inter-institutional articulation process led by the Victims Unit, with the municipal mayors of the country where there are properties administered by the Fund for the Reparation of Victims (FRV).
For his part, John Jairo Yepes Perdomo, mayor of the municipality of Rivera (Huila), cataloged as a very special day for the community and for the victims of this region of the country “the fact that the Unit is delivering the Victims the House of Justice, this is a process that we advance in our Development Plan in which four important entities of the governmental and municipal order are integrated, such as the ombudsman Office, the Police Inspection, the Family Police Station and the link municipal victims”.
"This new site will allow us to provide comprehensive care to the entire population victim of the conflict that lives in this municipality, we thank the Victims Unit and we want to tell them that we as the Mayor's Office are very present in all the processes they carry out on issues as restitution and we will continue working hand in hand with the national government", added the leader of this municipality.
One of the main objectives of the Victims Unit, in addition to the maintenance and self-sustainability of the assets, is the symbolic transformation; For this reason, “Casa Rivera” was handed over within the framework of the FRV's Reparative Social Vocation strategy, which seeks to provide dignified and timely care to the victim population of the municipality, and contribute to their socioeconomic and recovery social inclusion.
Once the delivery is made official, the municipal administration will be in charge of the adaptation and operation of real estate that is located in Carrera 7 Nº 2 - 67 sur, Fundadores neighborhood in Rivera (Huila).
Currently, the Victims Reparation Fund (FRV) manages 71 properties in the department of Huila, of which six are rural and 65 are urban.