
20 rural properties in Córdoba will be auctioned

It is a land lease auction located in the municipality of Valencia - Cordoba. It will take place on Wednesday, November 7. Those interested in participating need to send previously the relevant documentation.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

The Victims' Repair Fund will carry out a real estate lease auction, public and open, of 20 rural properties with agricultural and livestock vocation in the municipality of Valencia, in Córdoba. These properties have been delivered to the Fund based on judgments handed down within Justice and Peace processes. Individuals and legal entities that have submitted the relevant documentation before Wednesday, November 7, day of the auction, can participate.

The purpose of process is to establish an administration scheme for each property under the modality of a lease contract, after full of all the requirements demanded by resolution 00702 of 2018, which modifies resolution 850 of December 2014, "by means of which is adopted the Manual of Contracting of the Fund for Reparation to Victims ", and of the availability of the rental fee.

Those who are interested in renting these rural properties (attached table, with characteristics and auction base fee of each property), and have previously sent the required documentation, may participate in the auction that will take place at 9:00 A.M in the House of Culture in the neighborhood Centro de Valencia, Córdoba.

Five business days before the completion of the real estate auction, interested persons can submit in physical form or by e-mail all the documents listed below: photocopy of the citizenship card, certificate of existence and legal representation with an antiquity not greater than three (3) months in the case of a legal entity; certificate of disciplinary, fiscal and criminal records whose issuance does not exceed 30 calendar days; bank statement of the last 3 months or current labor contract certification or income statement or two commercial references; copy of the Single Tax Registry-RUT; credit property on real property or present a (01) solvent co-debtor or real estate; Accredit income at least for double the lease fee. These documents will also be required for joint debtors.

The Fund for Reparation of Victims is a special account without legal status, created by Article 54 of Law 975 of 2005, administered by the Victims Unit. It is in charge of liquidating and paying the judgments handed down by the Superior Courts of the Judicial District - Justice and Peace Courts, as well as administering the goods and resources delivered by the postulates for the reparation of victims accredited by judicial decision, within the framework of Justice and Peace processes. Also, it implements the collection of new funding sources in favor of the reparation of victims.

For more information, go, in Bogota, to the telephone number 7965150 extension 4276, or to one of these emails:, Or, to the correspondence headquarters of the Fund for the Reparation of Victims: Carrera 6 No. 14 - 98 Piso 4 Edificio Parque Santander, in Bogotá.

Table auction properties