158 of goods received from FARC postulates in Justice and Peace, 132 have problems
This was revealed by the director general of the Victims Unit, after delivering a report on these assets administered by the Victims Reparation Fund and which present obstacles to their commercialization such as public order situations, difficulty of access to areas where are located or unproductive buildings.
The director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, reported that, after having carried out a review of 158 properties handed over by former members of the Farc within the framework of the Justice and Peace Law to repair the victims of conflict, 132 presented problems for its monetization.
About 26 of these assets, currently administered by the Victims Reparation Fund, according to Ramón Rodríguez, have generated income for the entity for reparation to the victims. "We have managed these assets mainly under the leasing mechanism, there they have received about 458 million pesos", he explained.
The official denounced that the rest of the goods delivered by the FARC's postulates, "present problems and difficulties due to public order issues, to enter the area where they are located and goods that are unproductive, so it is very difficult to advance the administration process by the Victims Reparation Fund and prevents the monetization of these assets from being carried out”.
The general director of the entity said that it is required that all the goods delivered by the FARC's postulates in the framework of the Justice and Peace Law be monetized "since those resources are needed to be able to repair the victims".
Money product of the Peace Agreement with the Farc expect to be received in 2021
Faced with the issue of the resources that the FARC would deliver as part of the Peace Agreement commitments, the director of the Victims Unit assured that, despite the fact that there was a commitment on the part of the former members of this guerrilla to deliver 30.000 million pesos in the month of December, "so far the entity has not received goods or resources, and the delivery period was extended for next year".
Rodríguez added that, since the entity asked not to receive more goods, but liquid resources, "we are expecting to receive those 30.000 million in the first quarter of 2021".