Contact Us
The victims of the armed conflict in the country have a channel to solve their requests, submit information and know the procedures to access the reparation from the Victims Unit. This channel is a free line that they can dial since every phone in the country (018000-911119) and since Bogota (+57 601 426111).
The attention Schedule in the contact center is from Monday to Friday from 7am to 9pm, and on Sundays, from 7am until 5pm. Or through the mail servicioalciudadano@unidadvictimas.gov.co. Through those centers, victims receive information, guidance and legal assistance to facilitate their access to truth, justice and reparation.
To send documents via fax, the citizenship can contact the assistance lines and dial the option 8 from the menu. The schedule is from 7am to 9pm, Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays, from 7am to 5pm.
Chat Web: available in the entity’s website, in the chat button. The schedule is Monday to Friday from 7am until 9pm, and on Saturdays, from 7am until 5pm.
SMS Chat: Through the code 8577, the citizens can submit their questions free, by sending a text message, sending also their ID number and the specific request. They have the possibility to send until 5 messages per day. Applies for people owning a personal cellphone and it is not necessary to count on a cellphone plan or a previous prepaid charge. The schedule is from Monday to Friday, from 7am until 9pm, and on Saturdays, from 7am until 5pm.
To settle legal notifications, please go to the Legal Assessment Office: Cra. 6 # 14-98, 4th floor, Parque Santander building, in Bogota. The e-mail is notificaciones.juridicauariv@unidadvictimas.gov.co.
Mister procurator: for any doubts on the Victims Unique Register, please communicate through soportetomaenlinea@unidadvictimas.gov.co.
For press briefings please write to comunicacionesvictimas@unidadvictimas.gov.co.