
The Victims Unit prepare measures to resume face-to-face care for victims in Popayán

In coordination with the Mayor's Office of Popayán and with the support of international cooperators, the Unit establishes the guidelines for face-to-face care at the Victims Attention Center, with a maximum of 30% of the officials.


The Victims Unit, the Popayán Mayor's Office and cooperators such as Blumont and Heartland Alliance, are working on a care protocol with a view to reopening the Regional Center for Victim Care (CRAV), which includes all the biosecurity measures dictated by the National government for the health emergency.

"At this time and in coordination with the Mayor's Office, we are working on the reopening of the Regional Center for Victim Assistance, where it is intended to provide the population affected by the conflict in the center and south of the department, the proper attention with counselors, documentators and reporters” Said Dan Harry Sánchez Cobo, Cauca territorial director of the Victims Unit.

Sánchez Cobo said that they seek to provide care for close to 100 victims per day, in a first phase, which would serve as a study and analysis to determine if the rate of infections in the municipality allows the continuation of the open care center, and secondly, to determine if an increase in the number of victims attended in person is possible.

“It is very important to highlight that this does not mean that we leave aside the strategy of virtual attention, which would also continue with counselors, documentors and notifiers, which would allow maintaining communication channels so that the victim population continues to have assistance from timely manner”.

It is important to highlight that thanks to the cooperation of the Heartland Alliance, the required biosecurity elements will be provided so that the people who schedule their appointment can have the necessary protection measures at the CRAV.