This is how integral reparation for the conflict victims has progressed
From the 9 million victims included in the Single Victims Registry (RUV in its Spanish acronym), 7,347,575 are subjects of aid and / or reparation, that is, victims who meet the law requirements to access measures for their reparation.
On April 9th of each year, following Article 142 of 1448 Law, there is a commemoration of the National Day of Memory and Solidarity with Conflict Victims. On this date, the State performs memory and recognition acts of the events that have victimized 9,113,500 Colombians. This equals 18% of the population over 48 million.
Even though it’s true there is still a long way to go, the Government has strengthened the institutional framework throughout the national territory so that victims can access their effective rights enjoyment. Thus, today there are 195 Attention Points and 34 Regional Centers throughout the country that guide and assist the victims.
Likewise, it is worth mentioning that between 2012 and March 2021, the Unit for the Victims has invested $5.8 billion COP in Humanitarian Assistance. Additionally, it has supported territorial entities with the delivery of Immediate Humanitarian Assistance with an investment of $100,928 million COP to benefit 139,532 conflict victims.
Since 2012, the Unit for the Victims has contributed to the local community infrastructure improvement for $73,525 million COP and it has also invested close to $9,993 million COP in agricultural projects.
On the other hand, 792 Collective Reparation Subjects have been included in the RUV. Up until 2020, 28 Integral Collective Repair Plans have been properly closed. In addition, administrative and judicial compensations have been awarded to 1,121,176 people for more than $7.8 billion COP. It should be noted that, as of February 2021, from the 7,599 victims living abroad, 2,532 have been compensated and more than 378 thousand people have been guided regarding adequate resource investment.
Currently, the Fund for the Victims Reparation manages 1,693 assets: 996 rural and 697 urban. To date, 27 of these have been traded for a 6,600 million COP value.
Likewise, the Unit for the Victims has supported the returns and relocation process of 279,533 displacement victims’ households. On the other hand, 256,129 survivors have been guided through psychosocial care within the framework of this rehabilitation measure access.
Today, there are 1,101 Effective Victims Participation Work Boards, where the victims exercise their participation rights and they also have an impact on the materialization of their lost rights during the conflict.
For this April 9th, there is an emphasis on the 10 years extension of 1448 Law, Victims and Land Restitution Law and its Decree-laws 4633, 4634 and 4635 of 2011. This is one of the main achievements and commitments of the Government to continue moving forward in aid, assistance and reparation route for the country's victims.