This April 9th, all Colombians will donate our voice for the conflict victims
This is the “Dona tu Voz, Dona tus Oidos” (“Donate your Voice, Donate your Ears”) campaign that will be broadcast from March 23rd to invite Colombians to offer their voice by reading some of the victims' stories.
“Dona tu voz, Dona tus Oídos” is a Unit for the Victims’ initiative. It recognizes the resistance and self-improvement of more than 9 million people included in the Single Victims Registry (RUV in its Spanish acronym), who suffered directly because of the conflict. It is a call back to the memory of what happened, so these events do not repeat themselves.
Between March 23rd and April 8th, "Dona tu Voz" will run its first stage, summoning all citizens so these stories are read, recorded, and sent as WhatsApp audios to 3176653961. The stories will be circulating in public spaces and digitally on a hosted site on the entity's website, where anyone can access.
The recordings will be part of an archive that will show how, indeed, each Colombian has an important contribution to the historical memory and the integral victims’ reparation.
In a second stage called “Dona tus Oidos”, which will take place on April 9th, National Memory and Solidarity with Victims Day, Colombians will listen to the recorded stories with the voices of those who participated. They will do so through the media, outdoor activities, social media, and the Unit's website.
The Unit for the Victims also invites the conflict survivors abroad, national, and territorial entities members, international organizations members and anyone who comes across one of these stories to join the initiative. We want to touch the fibers of all Colombians so that, this April 9th, stories are told and known through one voice.
The conflict stories
The stories collected for the campaign are the result of nearly 1,500 “Bitacoras Viajeras” ("Travel Blogs"), a set of objects (books, boxes, papers, murals, fabrics, among others) that, through words and images, bring people closer to the survivors living memory. These were prepared within the psychosocial support strategies the Unit carries out constantly. In this framework, the victims choose what to share with the world, then the event narratives are recorded, as well as the feelings and testimonies in relation to the conflict.
As for psychosocial care, between 2018 and 2021, 83,907 victims gained access to this rehabilitation measure offered by the Unit for the Victims, with an investment of more than 12,488 million pesos. It is worth noting that historically, 251,522 victims have been supported.