Victims of the conflict in Malambo (Atlántico) commemorated Human Rights Day
The Victims Unit seeks to contribute to the comprehensive reparation of victims with psychosocial strategies and satisfaction measures within the framework of this commemoration.
On the occasion of the commemoration of Human Rights Day, after 72 years of its proclamation and universal declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations, a meeting was held this Thursday from the municipality of Malambo (Atlántico) with victims of the conflict with which the Victims Unit seeks to promote the empowerment and dignity of this population as Colombian citizens and subjects of law.
The commemoration ceremony, carried out from the María Magdalena sports center with the proper biosecurity and distancing protocols, had the participation of 30 victims who were residents of the municipality, representatives of the victim participation table.
Abel González, representative for the disability approach in the National Table for Victim Participation, invited the community present "to train and empower themselves with the norms that the system and the State have to be able to fight for our rights", he also highlighted the importance of commemorating this date. "For us it is of great importance to commemorate this day because we feel that a restoration of our rights is being carried out, it is a measure that is being made effective with this meeting", he added.
"The Unit seeks in this type of spaces and commemorations to contribute to the integral reparation of the victims with the implementation of this psychosocial strategies and satisfaction measures. With them, as subjects of rights and of special constitutional protection by Law 1448, it is necessary to work on the reestablishment of their rights, as well as on actions that prevent new violations and provide tools that contribute to the strengthening of their life course in the present and the future”, explained the territorial director of the Atlantic Unit, Alfredo Palencia.
In the act, the victims painted their hands in colors and put their footprints on a canvas with the message "The first equality is equity", which will be displayed at Malambo Victims Service Point.
In Colombia, the consequences of forced displacement, torture, homicide, kidnapping, sexual violence, minefields, recruitment, among other victimizing acts in the context of the armed conflict, are reflected in the psychosocial impacts and the effects to the dignified life of more than 9 million victims. These acts of violence committed have implications of various kinds, they are not only moral, legal and ethical but also economic and political inasmuch as these situations threaten the human capital of a country and therefore its development.