The Victims Unit prepare measures to resume face-to-face care for the victims in Sucre
In coordination with the Mayor's Office of Sincelejo, the Victims Unit proposes the guidelines for face-to-face care at the CRAV Victim Attention Center, with a minimum of officials.
The Victims Unit, the Sincelejo Mayor's Office and the Outsourcing S.A. operators met to work on the care protocol with a view to reopening the Regional Victim Care Center, and that it includes the required biosecurity measures.
The start-up of the Sincelejo Regional Center for Attention to Victims (CRAV) will make it possible to attend, guide, accompany and follow up on victims who require access.
Isaac Hernández, territorial director of the Unit in Sucre, stressed that alternatives are being proposed that allow working under a biosafety plan, through which it will be attended gradually, "the counselors will be equipped with antifluid suits, a mask and fase shield; I've been insisting on frequent hand washing, alcohol use, and social distancing".
He added that there will be more flexible hours of attention to protect the victim population: "We want to avoid the agglomeration of victims, so we will be constantly monitoring the dynamics, strategy and attention shifts, promoting self-care".
For this reason, a possible reopening date in October is evaluated in two days a day.
The territorial director recalled that the telephone service continues and highlighted that users over 70 years of age, nursing mothers, and contraindicated people with underlying diseases will not be attended in person.