75 victims defined their military situation, in Cesar
The territorial director of the Victims Unit in Cesar and La Guajira, Víctor Mosquera, also reported progress in the collective reparation process with the El Tocó community.

During the week that passed, the Cesar and La Guajira Territorial Victims Unit accompanied the delivery of 72 military notebooks in Jagua de Ibirico, Cesar, and made progress on the document characterizing the damage of the Subject of Collective Reparation of El Tocó, in the PDET municipality of San Diego, in the same department.
Víctor Mosquera, territorial director of the entity affirmed that "with the delivery of the military Cards the definition of the military situation of 75 victims and their possibility of accessing formal and dignified employment is guaranteed". "The deliveries of military notebooks were materialized in the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico”, he explained.
It should be noted that the Victims Unit facilitates access so that "all the population that requires it to define their military situation, from any part of the national territory due to the easily accessible online registration through the page www.libretamilitar.mil.co”.
Mosquera also indicated that the consolidation of the document to characterize the damage of the Subject of Collective Reparation of El Tocó in the municipality of San Diego was advanced.
On the other hand, the territorial director reported that the victims of Cesar-La Guajira participated en masse in a "planting of gardens of peace and resilience", in commemoration of the Week for Peace.
Different private and public institutions in the region participated in the event.