30 municipalities completed a technical assistance session for the formulation of the Territorial Action Plan, in Magdalena
The Victims Unit, with the support of the Ministry of the Interior, assists the territorial entities in the design of a road map for the benefit of victims of armed conflict, during the four-year period.
The Victims Unit, through the Nation-Territory Coordination Subdirectorate, with the support of the Ministry of the Interior, developed a virtual technical assistance day with the 30 municipalities of the Magdalena department and the Interior for the formulation of the Action Plan Territorial (PAT) 2020-2023.
Carmenza Carolina Cotes, deputy director of the Nation-Territory Coordination of the Victims Unit expressed that, “almost 32% of the department's population is a victim of armed conflict, and there the Unit has 13 cases of return and 33 cases of reparation collective, which we must work together in the Territorial Action Plan, in the processes of implementation, inclusion and activities in the action plans to be able to close these processes but above all to be able to guarantee during this exercise the effective enjoyment of rights of victims throughout the department".
On the day, the territorial director, Jair Diaz Granados added that "the Territorial Action Plan aims to overcome the vulnerability of victims of armed conflict throughout the department, the idea is to prioritize programs during the four years of government and comply with the different projects approved for collective reparation, returns and relocations, in a joint task with the territorial entities”.
The Territorial Action Plan allows the development of public policies focused on the victims of armed conflict, mainly achieving prevention and protection, overcoming vulnerability and comprehensive reparation.
The municipalities of Magdalena department, once they approve their development plan, have a period of one month to approve the Territorial Action Plan in the Transitional Justice Committees of each municipality.