In Cauca, public order, victim policy, and development plans were analyzed
The Victims Unit participated in the first Expanded Departmental Committee for Transitional Justice 2020, in which early warnings for Cauca were studied
The Casa de la Moneda in Popayán, was the scenario that brought together institutions belonging to the National System of Attention and Comprehensive Reparation for Victims (SNARIV), in order to analyze the public order situation in the department, public policies of victims and the articulation that is required to guarantee the attention of that population.
The meeting analyzed the early alerts 048 and 055 presented by the Ombudsman's Office, for the municipalities of Santander de Quilichao and Patía-El Bordo, in which each institution was determined and commissioned to respond to recommendations to mitigate possible events that affect the situation of public order in these territories.
The territorial director of the Unit for Victims in Cauca, Dan Harry Sánchez Cobo, said: “We invite the new leaders of the department to include within their development plans a special chapter for victims, taking into account that they are the entities territorial those who, in the first instance, should offer immediate attention to this population. In the same way, I invite the institutional articulation that allows us to repair the survivors of the conflict”.
The governor of Cauca, Elías Larrahondo Carabalí, stressed in the installation of this committee, the importance of working together for the victim population, seeking that within the Departmental Development Plan the effective participation of survivors be achieved, as well as their immediate attention.