
Victims in Fuente de Oro (Meta) had a day of attention

In 2019, nine attention days were held in municipalities of Meta, achieving a coverage that exceeds 1,000 people assisted, thus mitigating access barriers throughout the national territory.

MetaFuente de Oro

The Victims Unit conducted a day of attention to survivors of armed conflict residing in Fuente de Oro, Meta.

"The Unit team assisted 107 cases of victims who are taking steps with the entity to subsequently have effective access to the entire State offer offered by local governments, that is to say, health, education and housing, among others", said Carlos Pardo Alezones, Victims Unit territorial director for Meta and Llanos.

With this type of conference the entity knows and evaluates the real situation of each home victim of forced displacement and with it, accompanies the households in the access to different measures, programs and projects contemplated in Law 1448 of 2011, particularly those related to the enjoyment of minimum subsistence, the overcoming of the situation of vulnerability and the integral reparation, in order to guarantee the effective enjoyment of the rights of victims, allowing the survivors of conflict to improve their quality of life.

“During 2019, there have been a total of nine days of attention in municipalities of Meta, achieving a coverage that exceeds 1,000 people assisted, thus mitigating access barriers throughout the national territory. We are reaching distant places so that victims can have the necessary information, providing them with opportunities to access and exercise their rights to truth, justice and reparation”, concluded the territorial director of the Unit.

The next days will be held on August 14 and 15 in Lejanías, on August 20 in Acacías and on August 29 and 30 in the Puerto Lucas village of Vista Hermosa, Meta.

According to the Unique Registry of Victims, in Meta, 189,187 people are subject to comprehensive attention and reparation by the Colombian State, for facts declared in the context of the internal armed conflict.