
Citizens may consult the data and statistics of the Victims Unit

Through the web page, in the Strategic Card of the Unit you will find the information of different themes, programs, registers and projects that are developed in the municipalities of the country.

Bogotá, D.C.Bogotá, D.C.

Under Law 1712 of 2014 or Transparency Law and the Right to Access to Public Information, the Victims Unit launched the new Strategic Sheet that compiles all statistics and figures related to the victims of conflict included in the Single Registry of Victims RUV and that can be consulted by citizens through the website of the entity.

As mandated by the Law, anyone has access to the information contained in the Strategic Card.

Victims, territorial entities, journalists, students, and citizens in general, may consult information of their interest related to the Single Victims Registry, with reparation measures, territorial inter-institutional management, with the Reparation Fund and with Victims in the Outside, among other topics.

The data and documents consulted in the file will be available in PDF format and can be downloaded at no cost to the citizen at this address: https://www.unidadvictimas.gov.co/es/reportes