
Victims' Day in Antioquia is commemorated with reparations acts and entrepreneurs fair

United by the Victims. This is the binding message with which the Unit for the Reparation of Victims sympathizes and supports the activities in Medellín and other prioritized municipalities of the region.


With a walk for the rights of armed conflict victims, symbolic acts, business fair and talks about the achievements and challenges of Victims Law and the policies for their attention and reparation, the National Day of Memory and Solidarity will be commemorated in Antioquia April 9th.

In consultation with the Municipal Table for Victims’ Participation in Antioquia and Medellin, and in coordination with the Unit for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation for Victims, the Government of Antioquia, the Mayor's Office of Medellin, the Ombudsman Office and the Archdiocese of Medellin, the program will start from 8 in the morning with a Eucharist and an act of spiritual restoration in the church of La Candelaria.

Then, from 10 o'clock in the morning a walk for the rights of victims is called, until arriving at the Casa de la Memoria house museum, where at noon a symbolic act is carried out. Then, there is a discussion on victims' rights in front of the legal framework and proposals for adjustments.

From 2 in the afternoon there will be a cultural day by the organizations of the survivors, which includes planting trees, collective painting of mandalas, writing citizen messages on posters in solidarity with those who have suffered violence.

In addition, during the commemorative day at La Alpujarra Administrative Center in Medellín, the Government of Antioquia, in coordination with the Departmental Table of Victims' Participation, presents to the public a commercial sample with the projects of undertakings developed by the victims in Antioquia, as an example of overcoming and resilience.

The Victims Unit also supports the logistics of the commemoration of the Day of Memory and Solidarity with this population in the prioritized municipalities of Vigía del Fuerte, Remedios, Segovia and Machuca township.